Tuesday, July 29, 2008

LUCK by Love guru "ZJ"

"Sometimes you need a hell lot of luck to succeed" - anonymous

That's really from me, not from someone i dont know.

We all like to gamble (lucky 9,sangla at taching) but do we know what would be the result?
I bet you too don't know either 'coz it's the mystery, it's the excitement of pushing boundaries to the edge.

I'd say we pursue everything, gamble everything...One way or another we will win 'coz you know something deep with in there is one star that means "lucky", and as you and i push our luck, perhaps we can succeed, and i suppose we will.

You cannot win without gambling on it, and you cannot gamble without pushing your luck altogether.

Sister Stella L. was lucky. She always say: "I love you Lucky"

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